Celebrate in the Land van Cuijk!
The Land van Cuijk is known for its special events, both in the Netherlands and beyond its borders. From traditional to modern, from music and theater to sports and culture and from large-scale festivals to attractive village fairs. Have you not made any plans for the coming days yet? Than discover the Land van Cuijk Calender and find out what can be experienced in the Land van Cuijk.
Nearly every weekend there are interesting, sometimes unique events planned. Below are a number of events that have given the Land van Cuijk fame in and outside the Netherlands:
- Metworstrennen Boxmeer;
- Kuukse Elfkroegetocht in Cuijk;
- Nederlands Kampioenschap Maasheggenvlechten in Oeffelt;
- De Vaart in Boxmeer;
- Militracks in Overloon;
- Ons Plattelandsrondje in het Land van Cuijk;
- Smartlappenfestival in Grave;
- Profwielerronde Daags na de Tour in Boxmeer;
- Doortocht van de Vierdaagse en de Vierdaagsefeesten in Cuijk;
- Vakantiejaarmarkt in Mill;
- Raamvallei Duomarathon;
- Cultureel festival Schijt aan de Grens in Overloon en omgeving;
Also look at the theatercalender of Schouwburg Cuijk, cultureel centrum De Weijer in Boxmeer and Myllesweerd in Mill.